I am by no means an ARTIST, but I do have paint & canvas on hand and occasionally like to put paint brush to canvas. This Anphora Arts paint brush set comes with 6, long handled, synthetic brushes. There are two round brushes (#0 & #2). These are the two finer pointed brushes; they're considered "ROUND" because the metal part that holds the bristles in place are round. Two Filbert brushes (#2 & #8). The bristles are in a flat line, but the tip of the bristles are slightly rounded. Finally, two flat brushes (#3 & #10).
Before you use the brushes, make sure you soak them in water, to loosen them up. They are fairly stiff when you first get them.
To demonstrate how well the brushes do or do not work, I have painted a small canvas and took pictures of the brush I used as I created new lines on the canvas. Follow along below.
With the Round #2 brush, I just made some small, orange strokes on the canvas.
Round #2 |
With the flat #10 brush, I made a larger brush stroke, with a larger surface area to cover more of the canvas at once.
Flat #10 |
With the round #0, I was able to make some finer brush strokes and draw some thin lines. You could easily use this to outline images you are painting.
Round #0 |
With the Flat #3 brush, you can do a combination of broad, but smaller lines or turn it sideways and make thin brush strokes. Notice how I fanned the yellow out in the painting.
Flat #3 |
With the Filbert brush, I found it was better for making a different styles of thin lines. Notice the purple swirls with the blue and orange.
Filbert #2 |
With the Filbert #10, you can make ... almost more like a fan stroke. Not sure how to describe it. It didn't seem to cover as well as the flat #10 did. -It could have been the paint though.
Filbert #10 |
**Random, unrelated Fact. A filbert is also a Hazelnut! -It's completely irrelevant, but now that's a thing you know.
If you want to purchase your own paint brushes from Anaphora Arts, you can find them here, on AMAZON.
I did receive these brushes at a discounted rate.
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