Full disclosure here, I do NOT own any puppies! -But... I recently started to date a guy who has the most adorable red & blue heelers. What better way to win over some puppies than to bring them treats? So this is exactly what I have done.
Rosie is the red Australian cattle dog. She runs the roost. Ranger is the blue boy. He's pretty stubborn and hard headed and is just like his Daddy! When I came over, carrying a big box of treats, I was greeted by Ranger and he almost made me drop the box. I told him he had to go to the Kitchen and sit down like a good boy or he doesn't get any treats.... After all, the packaging clearly states "for Good dogs only!"
The bag of rib bones contains approximately (I definitely DIDN'T count them or measure them) 6 bones that around 7" long. The bones are all slightly different lengths though and not identical. You can clearly look at them and see that they have been roasted. There is a small amount of meat remaining on the bones.

Both Rosie and Ranger sat as patiently as they could until their Daddy gave them treats. Ranger took off like a mad dog and tore his apart on the couch in a matter of minutes. Rosie took a more civilized approach and licked her bone clean of all the meat then she slowly started to chew up the actual bone. She came over to thank me and Ranger made a mad dash to her bone and took off with it and hid in his kennel. We decided that since he was a bad dog and a thief, he can stay in the crate with Rosie's bone. So we took Rosie for a car ride since she lost her treat... and she spent the rest of the evening snuggling me on the couch, after our return. (I'd say I'm winning the puppies over).
Overall, both puppies were super excited about their treats. Ranger was so excited the next morning, after his potty break, that we caught him trying to climb the shelf to steal more treats. Both kids were able to eat the bones and the meat on the bones.
I did receive this product at a discounted rate, but their Daddy has already bought them more at the full price.
#IwasInvited #InvitedbyAGleam #Ad
You can get your good Puppies some rib bones by clicking here.