Sunday, December 10, 2017

Calily Life Organic Deep Cleansing Activated Charcoal Mask with Dead Sea Minerals

When you end up in reviewer life, you occasionally get products that you THINK you're not going to like.  See, I am my Mother's Daughter and that woman is allergic to EVERYTHING.  -I Promise, she really is.   The older I get, I'm finding I have more sensitive skin and my body reacts crazy to things it shouldn't.  I've always had an issue with cleaners and peels making my face break out, but I opted in to review this and was on edge the whole time. 

The container is rather large.  It says it's 8.5 oz, which is more than a cup of the charcoal mask.   It's kind of think and gray and goes on rather easily.   Once it's applied and it starts to dry, it did get a bit cold and tingly for me.  This honestly made me panic a bit but I mustered through it.  I sat around for 25 minutes (you're supposed to sit around and let it dry for 15-20 minutes) and it wasn't completely dry but I figured it had been on my face long enough. 

It washed away easily with some lukewarm water.   Once I had rinsed my entire face, I was amazed at how soft my face felt.  It's been three days now and my face never broke out from it.   I would say my pores do look smaller.  I look forward to trying it again in a few days.  -You're only supposed to use it once a week. 

Here's the link where you can find yours: Deep Cleaning Charcoal Mask.

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