I was seriously torn between the Cat & Horse. For no particular reason, I opted in for the cat mask. When the mask arrived, it was in a vacuum sealed bag. So when I opened the bag, the whiskers on the mask were seriously bent up. -This is my ONLY complaint about the mask. If you look at the inside of the mask, you see that the whiskers are basically those thin plastic strips that hold price tags onto clothing at stores. So if you wanted to get craft and replace the whiskers, I'm sure you could.
When I put the mask on, I laughed to myself and immediately thought "This is the type of mask that people rob stores and banks with". It was seriously the most hilarious thing I had ever seen. They eye holes don't necessarily line up perfectly with my face, but this is honestly hit or miss with most masks. I kept the mask on and drove to my Mom's house. I waved at strangers as I drove around and even stared at people to see what types of reactions I would get. My mom laughed but told me to stay back, because she's allergic to Latex. She breaks out and gets chemical burn type rashes on her skin if she comes near latex.
When I got home, I decided I'd mess with my cats. See, I can make some weird cat meow sounds, that I'm assuming sound like a cat in distress, because it freaks my cats out and they always come to check me out and make sure I'm okay. So I did my weird meow and called the girls into the room with me... and then they saw me wearing the mask ans seriously FREAKED OUT. They did that sideways walk, with their hair standing on end, and hissed and scampered away as fast as possible. So even a few weeks later, I can't help but to play this little game with them.
I fully intend on integrating this mask into my Halloween costume. The costume idea is quite inappropriate, so I won't disclose that here. Nonetheless, this mask is seriously hilarious and I fully intend on keeping it out well past Halloween, just to mess with people. To check out the mask, click here: Cat Mask by Monkey2016.

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