Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Influencing WHO?

I wish I had the time to care and obsess over a site like this. But I don't. So i'm not certain I'll ever actually get anywhere with it. Here's a link if you're curious.

Basically you connect ALLLLLLLL of your social media accounts and then you get a rating based on how many "followers" you have. Well, I keep my Facebook to 97% just people I legitimately know; my pinterest.. well, who cares; Instagram is mostly strangers; Twitter... well, at one point in time I was funny and gave a shit. I've since deleted my account and became depressed or stressed or whatever, over life in general. So I'm pretty sure no one really "Follows" my Twitter. With all of my social media attached, my score is like 805 and my reach is medium... SO be it.

You read reviews and check whether or not you've found them useful. You write reviews. you make lists. That's all I know. It doesn't make sense to me... not srue if it ever will.

Much Like blog doesn't making sense to me. But hey, At least when I say I'll blog about it..I do write a blog. Just no one reads it and that's okay for now.

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