Last April, I hosted my first Adult Easter Egg hunt; it was fun, but it needed some help... as did my wallet. In an effort to obtain more free give-away type items, I went sample crazy. I NEED cheap stuff to fill adult Eggs, and samples seemed to fit the bill. I'm not afraid to write or call a company and ask for free samples. I quickly learned that most companies are more than willing to share a sample or two, if you ask them nicely.
Nicely? Me, nice? Yeah, it occasionally happens.
As you've probably discovered, I'm not classy. My people skills are lackluster. I'm definitely female, but I know nothing about playing the soft, kind female role. However, I do know how to talk business... and fill out forms, or whatever is needed. So now here it is December and I have TOTES of free stuff that I've gathered over the last 8 months, all awaiting to be given away at the next Adult Easter Egg Hunt... The free samples have led me to doing product reviews and that's fine with me. I had to have something to show for all my hard work, right?
So on that note, I hope you enjoy whatever it is that I start writing about.
This blog was copied from my Weebly site; originally posted 12/9/15.
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