Saturday, February 6, 2016

Reynolds Cookie Baking Sheets

As a single Mom, who doesn't love items that make your life easier?

I've pretty much used parchment paper to bake on, for almost as long as I've been baking. I heard about it pretty early on in my baking career.  They eliminate scrubbing cookie sheets and they eliminate having to grease the cookie sheets.  Reynolds has taken the parchment paper a step further.
They have pre-cut, cookie baking sheets.  Just grab a cookie sheet out of the box, throw it onto the baking sheet, bake your cookies.  Throw the sheet away, wash/rinse the baking sheet and you're done.  I have been able to get a box of these free for review, through Crowdtap.  (The link for Crowdtap is posted in my blog).

I plan on baking more cookies tonight, but here's just a quick view of what went down, so that I could write my initial review.

From the picture, you can see that the cookies on the parchment paper cooked more evenly, whereas the ones not on the parchment paper are darker around the edges and look less cooked in the middle.  I've lost a bunch of pictures on my phone.  If I can locate them, I'll them to my blog as well.

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